PMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter

Previous PMPubs

PMI Budapest Chapter is pleased to announce that
the next PMPub will take place on 28th February (Tuesday), 2017,
17 hour at Közgarden!

The event’s topic is continued relevance of project management skills and methods in organisations now and in the future" where the participants will have the opportunity to overview related issues and questions.

The topic will be discussed with Nigel Killeen, PMP, ex-Business Solutions Design Manager at Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company (CCHBC), who will share his experiences and thoughts about the role and importance of project and program management in organisations.

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According to PMI’s 2016 Pulse of the Profession™, fewer than two thirds of projects fail to meet their original goals and project intent. More critical is the money that continues to be wasted when projects aren’t managed well- US$122 million wasted for every US$1 billion invested due to poor project performance, a 12 percent increase over last year). Never before has there been such an important place for the skills and practices learnt through the project management profession. No matter what role you play in the organization, knowledge of PM practices is an invaluable asset to bring to the organization, big or small.


Our special guest was Albert Quraishi, who is the RED Sky program manager in Vodafone Hungary from Virtusa, who shared his thoughts and experiences about “the role of PMO and Agile methodology in large scale IT programs – and how things can go wrong”. The moderator of the event was Julianna Czifra, program manager also from Vodafone Hungary.

PMI Budapest Chapter is pleased to announce that the next PMPub logo will take place on 21st September (Wednesday), 2016, 17 hour at GRUND!

The event’s topic is “The role of PMO and Agile methodology in large scale IT programs – and how things can go wrong” where the participants will have the opportunity to overview related issues and questions.

The topic will be discussed with UK born Albert Quraishi, who will share his experiences and thoughts about what works and what does not work with Agile when managing large IT programs onshore and offshore, and why it is important to have Program Managers with subject matter expertise to deliver IT programs successfully.

A PMI Budapest Tagozat örömmel tájékoztat mindenkit arról, hogy a következő PMPub logo 2016. szeptember 21-én (szerdán), 17 órától kezdődik a „GRUND”-ban!

A rendezvény témája „A PMO és az agilis módszertan szerepe komplex informatikai programokban – valamint, hogy hogyan tudnak elromlani a dolgok”. A résztvevőknek lehetősége nyílik majd áttekinteni a kérdéskörhöz kapcsolódó problémákat és kérdéseket.

A téma előadója a brit születésű Albert Quraishi, aki megosztja velünk tapasztalatait és gondolatait arra vonatkozóan, hogy mi az, ami működik és mi az, ami nem, ha az agilis módszertan alapján menedzselünk hazai és külföldi nagyszabású IT programokat. Elárulja továbbá, hogy miért fontosak a szaktudással rendelkező program menedzserek az informatikai programok sikeres teljesítéséhez.

Our special guest was Agnieszka Gasperini, regional mentor of PMI Central Europe who shared her thoughts and experiences about PM trends and the role of PMI in strengthening the global recognition of project management.

After having organized the monthly Board meeting between 2 and 5 pm, almost 35 PM professionals gathered at GRUND to take part in the forthcoming PMPub, second time this year. Imre Szalay, president of PMI Hungary Budapest Chapter was the moderator of the event. First he introduced PMI and the major activities of the Hungarian Chapter, then he started the conversation with Agnieszka.

Agnieszka started her PM career in 2002 when she obtained her PMP certification. At her workplace, she trained her colleagues for PM methods, tools and techniques. She started her own business in 2003 as a PM trainer and coach. She has had many trainings and PM programs all around the world so far. She was one of the founders of PMI Poland in 2004.

In the following we summarize Agnieszka’s thoughts about PM trends and the role of PMI referring strengthening PM activities in the region:

Agnieszka Maria GasperiniAgnieszka Maria Gasperini, from Poland, was recognised for her work in the global project management community. She is a certified Project Manager (PMP & PMI -ACP) with 15- years experience in International Projects and is fluent 5 languages. Specialized consulting, training and speaking services in advanced PM topics (Program Management, PMO, Organizational Project Management, Troubled Projects, Organizational Change Management, PMP) and Interpersonal Skills (Communication, Leadership, Negotiation and Conflict Management) in Private and Government organisations across Europe and America. With several projects across different industries such as: Government, Mining, Construction, Telecomm, Financial Services, Information Technology and Development Projects among others.

A PMI Budapest Tagozat örömmel tájékoztat mindenkit arról, hogy a következőPMPub logo 2016. május 24-én (kedd), 17 órától kezdődik a „GRUND”-ban

Az esemény a “Projektmenedzsment trendek, kihívások és a PMI szerepe” címet kapta, amelyen a jelenlévők meghallgathatják és megvitathatják a témához kapcsolódó kérdéseket.

A PMPub vendége Agnieszka Gasperini, a PMI közép-európai regionális mentora lesz, aki a következő témák kapcsán osztja meg tapasztalatait és gondolatait:

• Projektmenedzsment trendek
• Projektmenedzsment gyakorlatok a régióban és világszerte
• A PMI szerepe a projektmenedzsment globális elismerésének erősítésében
• Hogyan tud a PMI tagság hozzájárulni a projektmenedzsment karrier építéséhez.

PMI Budapest Chapter is pleased to announce that
the next PMPub logo will take place
on 24th May (Tuesday), 2016, 17 hour at “A GRUND”!

The event’s topic is “Project Management trends and challenges and PMI” where the participants will have the opportunity to overview related issues and questions.

The special guest of the event is Agnieszka Gasperini, regional mentor of PMI Central Europe, who will share her experiences and thoughts about:

  • Project management trends
  • Project management practices in the region and worldwide
  • Role of PMI in strengthening the global recognition of project management
  • How PMI membership can help the carrier in project management

Our special guest was George Offord (Ericsson) who shared his thoughts and experiences about Cultural Diversity. In the last 30-40 years George has worked in several continents and countries eg. in Asia (China, India), in North America (USA), in Africa and also in Europe (Sweden, UK, Spain, Hungary etc.). He has met professionals and many local people with different cultural background and behavior so he had the opportunity to “examine” and learn cultural aspects and differences.

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PMI Budapest Chapter is pleased to announce that the next PMPub will take place on 22nd February (Monday), 2016, 17 hour at Anker Klub!

The event’s topic is “Diversity Management-Culture” where the participants will have the opportunity to overview related issues and questions.

The topic will be discussed with George Offord, PMP, Scrum Master, who will share his experiences and thoughts about managing teams and people with different culture and approach.

Legyen tájékozott!


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