PMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter

PMPub 22nd February 2016

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PMI Budapest Chapter is pleased to announce that the next PMPub will take place on 22nd February (Monday), 2016, 17 hour at Anker Klub!

The event’s topic is “Diversity Management-Culture” where the participants will have the opportunity to overview related issues and questions.

The topic will be discussed with George Offord, PMP, Scrum Master, who will share his experiences and thoughts about managing teams and people with different culture and approach.

In today’s Enterprise Corporation environment, managing diversity is imperative for successful businesses. Cultural diversity is but a piece of the larger diversity puzzle. There are many facets to diversity; such as age, gender, education, health/disability, and ethnic/cultural differences, to name but a few of the more well-known categories.

The challenge Enterprise Corporations face today is to be able to manage people in a way that the potential advantages of diversity are maximized, while at the same time the potential disadvantages of diversity are minimized.

During the conversation George will highlight some of the cultural differences and show how once they are identified can be used to a company’s business advantage or disadvantage.

Our speaker will be George Offord who is presently working as a Project Manager at Ericsson Kft. in Budapest. He has been working for Ericsson for the last 16 years in different roles and working in/with different countries.

He has previously worked as a SW technical advisor located at customer sites while implementing new Ericsson products, as an Integration Manager in large-scale SW development projects, as a Team Leader and as a Manager for Technical Expert Teams responsible for troubleshooting in customer telecommunication networks.

Today he works as a manager coordinating efforts between the Research and Business units of the company in relation to specific data control and management products that are being deployed in customer telecommunication networks.

Come and take part in the PMPub!

When: 22nd February, Monday, from 17 hour

Where: Anker Klub, Anker köz 1-3., Budapest

You can register here!


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