PMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter

Previous PMPubs

PMPub 2018 09 12A brief summary of the September PMPub


This September our PMPub workshop’s guest speaker was Anna Juhász, a business architect of a large ERP Project at an international service company. The event’s topic was “Perspectivism in Project Management – the facets of truth”.

First we heard the event’s moderator, Balázs Prattinger, who talked about PMI and the Hungarian Chapter and the Chapter’s PMPubs, then he shared that PMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter is looking for volunteers for various tasks. He mentioned our upcoming Art of Projects and MasterClass events, which are the largest events in our Chapter’s life.

PMI Budapest Chapter held its first PMPub in 2018 on 27th February in Szimplakert

Our guest was Martins Tamovics from AviAlliance GmbH who shared his experiences about aviation industry and his thoughts about what kind of challenges a project manager faces during the execution of airport projects

pmpub februar

PMI Budapest Chapter held its first PMPub in 2018 on 27th February in Szimplakert

Our guest was Martins Tamovics from AviAlliance GmbH who shared his experiences about aviation industry and his thoughts about what kind of challenges a project manager faces during the execution of airport projects.

Despite the cold weather more than 20 people came together in Szimplakert to listen to Martins’ stories about how aviation industry has changed so rapidly and how it affects the airport operation and the execution of related projects.

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How aviation industry has changed in the last 20 to 30 years? How different planes are being produced and operated, and how airports must adapt to changes? What are the major project priorities at an airport? What are the key challenges a project manager faces with during an airport construction project? What is the PM’s approach to manage several projects simultaneously? What is the most important part of a project (aviation industry / general)? In case of reduced project time, which part of the project PM should never skip or shorten?

You can read the whole story in some days on our website! Stay tuned!

The event’s topic is “Project lifecycle in Airport operations” where the participants will have the opportunity to have a glimpse in the rapidly changing aviation industry and its impact on airport operations.
In the last decades aviation industry has changed beyond recognition. From the times when air travel was a luxurious privilege for few, totimes where a weekend trip to London is anormal routine for most, aviation has undergone several rapid changes, which often were not foreseen. Normally such changes require long preparation, planning and execution, though in this fast-changing industry, to ensure the ongoing operations and to meet the changing demands, project development time is often highly impacted.
We will discuss the project manager’s role, in view of the required project deliverybeing highly reduced in comparison to similar projects in construction industry, and even seem impossible to reach. Also, we will focus on challenges in such circumstances,and how to drawa vision, leading and insuring the aviation safety above all.

The event's topic is " Servant Leadership - Creating a Circle of Safety for the Team Inside your Project!"

The moment the project starts, an entire “army” of forces exert a lot of pressure upon the project environment. According to the laws of physics, a force is getting stronger based on two triggers: if the “dimensions” of the source exerting that force get bigger or if the acceleration with which the force is applied increases. For the project environment, these “forces” grow using both triggers. However, the most important and the most sensitive “element” of the project environment is the project team, which, consequently, becomes the most affected by the mentioned pressure. And when this happens, people feel threaten, become insecure and stressed. Their performance is negatively affected. They worry more on pushing back and dealing with the pressure than on getting the project done and/or finding efficient and effective solutions to different issues or complex project problems.

The event's topic is " Servant Leadership - Creating a Circle of Safety for the Team Inside your Project!"

The moment the project starts, an entire “army” of forces exert a lot of pressure upon the project environment. According to the laws of physics, a force is getting stronger based on two triggers: if the “dimensions” of the source exerting that force get bigger or if the acceleration with which the force is applied increases. For the project environment, these “forces” grow using both triggers. However, the most important and the most sensitive “element” of the project environment is the project team, which, consequently, becomes the most affected by the mentioned pressure. And when this happens, people feel threaten, become insecure and stressed. Their performance is negatively affected. They worry more on pushing back and dealing with the pressure than on getting the project done and/or finding efficient and effective solutions to different issues or complex project problems.

PMI Budapest Chapter held its PMPub event on 16th May 2017 at Közgarden.

PMPub is the chapter’s networking event for English-speaking project managers to share their experience, local practices and to develop their PM skills at a pub while drinking a beer. The event is also a good opportunity to collect PDU at the same time.

PMPub invites a special guest, an expat leader who is devoted towards the project management and already has spent some years in Hungary.

PMPub 2017 05 07

In May, our guest was Andreas Douglas, Director of Engineering Driver Assistance at Bosch Hungary, who is responsible for the project culture development at Bosch Hungary.

The moderator who prepared the discussion and asked Andreas was Zoltán Sándor, recently elected vice president of the chapter.

Andreas’s personal introduction: Andreas is from the US, he has 5 kids. He was working for electronic companies, automotive and transport industries. He’s been working at Bosch parent company for 11 years, in Hungary for 3 years.

Andreas has had PM experience for more than 10 years in different domains. His primary focus area is the automated driving cars. 

And here come the major messages from Andreas in Q/A format!

PMI Budapest Chapter is pleased to announce that the next PMPub will take place on 16th May 2017 at Közgarden!

The event’s topic is “Is there industry specific project management?” where the participants will have the opportunity to overview related issues and questions. We will have an open discussion about whether there is a difference between general, IT and automotive project management. We will touch also characteristics of cultural differences of the organizations operating in different geographical environment. PMPub May

The topic will be discussed with Andreas Douglas, Director of Engineering Driver Assistance at Bosch Hungary, who will share his thoughts regarding the above topics.

At the PMPub we will discuss on a practical level some of the key elements that we all face every day as practitioners.

Our special guest was Nigel Killeen who shared his thoughts and experiences about the importance of project management in organizations.

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Nigel had worked 17 years at Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company and working with multiple countries at group level from Nigeria to Russia to Central/Eastern Europe. He worked at Coca-Cola Hellenic as Business Solutions Design Manager, managing a team responsible for process design and project leadership across all HR process areas from Talent to Employee lifecycle processes working closely with technical delivery, Group HO and country operations. Before that he worked as a Recruitment consultant in the IT industry.

PMPub with PMI Hungary Budapest Chapter

Importance of project management in organisations

PMI Budapest Chapter is pleased to announce that the next PMPub will take place on 28th February (Tuesday), 2017, 17 hour at Közgarden!

The event’s topic is “importance of project management in organisations” or the continued relevance of project management skills and methods in organisations now and in the future, where the participants will have the opportunity to overview related issues and questions.

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The topic will be discussed with Nigel Killeen, PMP, ex-Business Solutions Design Manager at Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company (CCHBC), who will share his experiences and thoughts about the role and importance of project and program management in organisations.

Nigel will tell us stories how he first connected into project management. He will explain the challenges bringing PM methodologies to the organisations, what skills project management brings that are important to the organisations. He also will share his thoughts about top challenges for managing projects in large organisations, and how PMO can support to achieve project goals. Further to that he will talk about waterfall / agile transition and the importance of having PM certifications.

We very much looking forward to an engaging and collaborative session.

Come and take part in the PMPub!

When: 28th February, Tuesday, from 17 hour
Where: Közgarden (new venue, location), Ráday u. 43-45., Budapest, 1092

You can register here!

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