PMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter

Previous PMPubs

PMI Budapest Chapter is pleased to announce that the next PMPub will take place on 22nd February (Monday), 2016, 17 hour at Anker Klub!

The event’s topic is “Cultural Diversity Management” where the participants will have the opportunity to overview related issues and questions.

The topic will be discussed with George Offord, PMP, Scrum Master, who will share his experiences and thoughts about managing teams and people with different culture and approach.

In today’s Enterprise Corporation environment, managing diversity is imperative for successful businesses. Cultural diversity is but a piece of the larger diversity puzzle. There are many facets to diversity; such as age, gender, education, health/disability, and ethnic/cultural differences, to name but a few of the more well-known categories.

The challenge Enterprise Corporations face today is to be able to manage people in a way that the potential advantages of diversity are maximized, while at the same time the potential disadvantages of diversity are minimized.

During the conversation George will highlight some of the cultural differences and show how once they are identified can be used to a company’s business advantage or disadvantage.

Our speaker will be George Offord who is presently working as a Project Manager at Ericsson Kft. in Budapest. He has been working for Ericsson for the last 16 years in different roles and working in/with different countries.

He has previously worked as a SW technical advisor located at customer sites while implementing new Ericsson products, as an Integration Manager in large-scale SW development projects, as a Team Leader and as a Manager for Technical Expert Teams responsible for troubleshooting in customer telecommunication networks.

Today he works as a manager coordinating efforts between the Research and Business units of the company in relation to specific data control and management products that are being deployed in customer telecommunication networks.

Come and take part in the PMPub!

When: 22nd February, Monday, from 17 hour

Where: Anker Klub, Anker köz 1-3., Budapest

You can register here!

A PMI Budapest Tagozat örömmel tájékoztat mindenkit arról, hogy a következő PMPub 2016. február 22-én (hétfő), 17 órától kezdődik az Anker Klubban!

Az esemény a „Diverzitás menedzsment a kultúrában” címet kapta, amelyen a jelenlévők meghallgathatják és megvitathatják a kapcsolódó trendeket és kérdéseket.

Az esemény vendége George Offord (PMP, Scrum Master), aki megosztja tapasztalatait és gondolatait a különböző kultúrából érkező emberek és csoportok vezetése, kezelése kapcsán.

Napjainkban a vállalatok életében a sikeres működés érdekében elkerülhetetlen a diverzitás hatékony kezelése. A kulturális különbözőség a diverzitás palettájának csak egy kis szelete. A diverzitásnak sok lehetséges formáját ismerjük: ilyen pl. az életkor, nem, képzés, egészség/hátrányos egészségügyi állapot, vagy például az etnikai kulturális különbségek – csak hogy párat említsünk a lehetséges kategóriák közül.

A vállalatok olyan kihívással szembesülnek, hogy az embereket, munkatársaikat úgy irányítsák, hogy egyrészt a diverzitásból származó potenciális előnyöket maximalizálják, másrészt viszont minimalizálják az ugyanebből a tényezőből származó esetleges negatív hatásokat.

A soron következő PMPub-on George rávilágít a kulturális különbségek néhány tipikus fajtájára, majd rámutat arra, hogy - azonosításukat követően - azokat hogyan lehet a cég számára előnyként felhasználni (vagy rossz kezelésükből fakadóan azok hogyan válhatnak a vállalat kárára).

Vendégünk, George Offord jelenleg a budapesti Ericsson Kft. projekt menedzsere, aki az elmúlt 16 évben az Ericsson-nál dolgozott különböző szerepekben és országokban.
George korábban szoftver technológiai tanácsadóként dolgozott új Ericsson megoldások bevezetésekor, továbbá integrációs menedzserként nagy-volumenű szoftverfejlesztési projekteken. Ezen túlmenően műszaki szakértői csapat vezetőjeként, illetve menedzsereként tevékenykedett, amely csapat az ügyfelek telekommunikációs hálózataival kapcsolatban felmerült hibák elhárításáért felelt.

George jelenleg az ügyfelek telekommunikációs hálózataikhoz kapcsolódóan bevezetendő adatirányítási és menedzsment termékek esetében a fejlesztési és üzleti területek közötti együttműködésért felelős menedzser.

Szeretettel várjuk a PMPub-on!

Időpont: február 22., hétfő, 17 órától.

Helyszín: Anker Klub, Budapest, Anker köz 1-3.

Az eseményre itt lehet regisztrálni!

picto1Enrique Nichols was our special guest for this year’s third and last PMPub Event held on September 23rd at Anker Klub. The topic of the event was about leading virtual teams and the challenges the project manager faces in this environment. As more and more project managers are required to work in the virtual business environment, it was not a surprise that the Pub attracted a little over forty participants.

Enrique first shared his background with the audience, how he - as a Venezuelan citizen living in Budapest for over 20 years now – started his career and got involved with project management. He is now in a manager position at IT Services Hungary (T-Systems International), leading a large team composed of mainly project managers.

The main discussion of the Pub was then about what exactly Leadership means, and especially how one can become a leader in this virtual world. Enrique highlighted the very big importance of the soft skills a project manager must have: communication skills, cultural openness, EQ and trust. Besides these, there is also a definite need to be a good professional and to use good methodology for work. He mentioned that there are very good trainings on the market to enhance these skills.

When asked about how he selected the project managers for his team, Enrique emphasized the usefulness of the “Sixth Sense”. Of course, in most of the cases it is on the job that we will find out whether a project manager fulfills the requirements. We have also touched stakeholder management and its huge importance in the virtual world. Enrique has recommended some articles and interesting papers on Leadership and Motivation – we have listed this at the end of this article.

We would like to thank Enrique for sharing his thoughts with us on the Pub!

If you have any ideas or suggestions for our next PMPub in February 2016, feel free to contact Balázs (Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.) and Ádám (Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.).

PMI Budapest would like to draw your attention and invite you to its next PMPub event which will be held on

September 23rd at 17:00 at Anker Klub (1062 Budapest, Anker köz 1-3.)

The topic of the event will be
“Leading virtual teams: a Leadership challenging endeavour for the Project Manager”

and our special guest will be
Nichols Enrique, Head of Strategic Project Management at IT Services Hungary

This year's second PMPub event was held on May 27th at Anker Klub, the special guest of the event was Guido Grandi, an Italian project manager living in Budapest for 10 years and working for IBM as a Portfolio Manager and Account Leader.

This time PMI Budapest's English-speaking event attracted a little over 30 people and started with an introduction and short overview about Guido's career. Like many of us, Guido also started his career as an "accidental" project manager and is today managing a large portfolio for one of IBM's biggest customer.

The first part of the discussion was around portfolio management, and it was interesting to see the different views the participants had on portfolio management and the different level of power they had to influence the portfolio of their respective companies. In the second part, Guido shared his experience with us regarding the Project Zone Conference held in April in Germany, where he was a speaker and a guest as well.


It is always very interesting and good to see that we can get together project managers from all around the world: this time we had participants from Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica and the United States as well!

The next PMPub is planned for September, we will keep you updated on the date and the special guest we will have!

If you have any comments, requests, or suggestions on how to improve the PMPub, feel free to send an email to Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.!

PMPub May 27th with Guido Grandi Project Portfolio Manager
and Account Leader @IBM

„Why is project portfolio management a hot topic today?"

Our special guest for this year's second PMPub event will be Guido Grandi, Project Portfolio Manager and Account Leader @IBM. Guido has been living in Budapest for ten years now and has been involved with project portfolio management ever since then.
Our main discussion will be around Project Portfolio Management and we will talk about why it is a hot topic today. We all know that organisations need to carefully rationalize their projects and resources to make sure that they are aligned with the portfolio decisions made in the Board. The problem with this top down approach occurs when the strategy of the organisation shifts and the existing project portfolio doesn't match the new strategy. This is one of the reasons why project portfolio management is a hot topic and it is not a surprise that one of the 2015 top 10 Project Management trends (ESI International) is linked with this top down and bottom up conflict: "keeping existing projects aligned with current business objectives will increasingly require a bottom up approach and project organizations must work to build a bottom-up process that continually links project outcomes with organizational strategy. Whether done as part of the stage-gating process or through a separate audit process, project teams need to take responsibility for delivering business value or risk delivering meaningless project outcomes." The Project Management Office has a very important role in this matter, we will also touch this with Guido.

Following our successful PMPub events and following your positive feedbacks, we would like to draw your attention and invite you to our next PMPub event which will be held on May 27th 2015 at 17:00 at Anker Klub (1062 Budapest, Anker Köz 1-3).

PMPub logo

The topic of the event: "Why is Project Portfolio Management a hot topic today?"

Our special guest will be Guido Grandi Project Portfolio Manager, IBM.

Following our successful PMPub events in 2014 and following your positive feedbacks, we would like to draw your attention and invite you to our next PMPub event which will be held on February 11th 2015 at 17:00 at Anker Klub (1062 Budapest, Anker Köz 1-3)!

The topic of the event will be "Women in Project Management" and our special guest will be Linda M. Wegrzynowski Delivery Manager Applications Portfolio @ ExxonMobil. 


Following our successful PMPub events in 2014 and following your positive feedbacks, we would like to draw your attention and invite you to our next PMPub event which will be held on February 11th 2015 at 17:00 at Anker Klub (1062 Budapest, Anker Köz 1-3)!

The topic of the event will be "Women in Project Management" and our special guest will be Linda M. Wegrzynowski Delivery Manager Applications Portfolio @ ExxonMobil. 


What is the purpose of this event?

The main purpose is to network with each other and with the members of the board of PMI Budapest. At PMI, we are also interested in your ideas regarding English speaking activities or events that PMI Budapest should organise for you in the future!

Who should attend?

We encourage expat Project Managers working in Hungary and local, English-speaking PMs to join this event.
The event is a good opportunity for English-speaking project managers to share their experience, local practices and to develop their PM skills.
We also appreciate if you forward it to English-speaking project managers within your network.

If you are interested, please register here.

Please note that your consumption at the event is at your own cost!

Following our successful event in May, PMI Budapest would like to draw your attention to its next PMPub event which will be held on September 24th at 17:00!

Please book this time in your calendar, and join us in the Gepárd és Űrhajó (1056. Budapest, Belgrád Rakpart 18.)!

For your information, we have already invited a special guest for the event!

Following our successful event in May, PMI Budapest would like to draw your attention to its next PMPub event which will be held on September 24th at 17:00!

Please book this time in your calendar, and join us in the Gepárd és Űrhajó (1056. Budapest, Belgrád Rakpart 18.)!

For your information, we have already invited a special guest for the event!

Legyen tájékozott!


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