PMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter

PMI Budapest Chapter is pleased to announce that the next PMPub will take place on 22th May 2018.

The event's topic is " Servant Leadership - Creating a Circle of Safety for the Team Inside your Project!"

The moment the project starts, an entire “army” of forces exert a lot of pressure upon the project environment. According to the laws of physics, a force is getting stronger based on two triggers: if the “dimensions” of the source exerting that force get bigger or if the acceleration with which the force is applied increases. For the project environment, these “forces” grow using both triggers. However, the most important and the most sensitive “element” of the project environment is the project team, which, consequently, becomes the most affected by the mentioned pressure. And when this happens, people feel threaten, become insecure and stressed. Their performance is negatively affected. They worry more on pushing back and dealing with the pressure than on getting the project done and/or finding efficient and effective solutions to different issues or complex project problems.

creativity is Intelligence having fun 1

At this point, they need protection. They need to know that they are safe and that somebody is making sure of that. And this “somebody” should be their leader, the project leader – the project manager. He or She should be able to build-up, using his leadership skills, a safe environment for the team to perform. He or She needs to transcend his or her individual self-interest and serve the others (the project team) by making them feel safe in the project and by helping them grow both professionally and personally. And the best way to do that is for the project manager to become a servant leader.

Servant leadership is the only approach in the leadership field addressing two critical dimensions:

  • Service to others and to own self.
  • Growth for both the leader and the followers.

The project manager, by applying all the 10 characteristics of a Servant Leader, can create a Circle of Safety in the project, protecting the team from the outside pressure and bringing:

  • Greater work performance,
  • Professional and personal development and
  • Higher commitment for the project and its objectives/results.

Servant leadership is more than a style of leadership. It is a different way of thinking about the purpose of leadership, the true role of a leader and the potential of those being led. It contributes decisively in making the project environment a safer place (pushing back stress and pressure) thus nurturing team performance and favouring project success. 

Our guest Catalin-Teodor Dogaru MBA, PhD, PMP, is a trainer, consultant and managing partner at TSP( He is an enthusiast of project, process and program management, promoting Servant Leadership in both professional and personal life. LIMC Alumni, MBA and PMP certified, Catalin managed international projects (in Europe, Middle East and Africa), offering, at the same time, dedicated learning sessions that helped growing the project management community. He was President of PMI Romania Chapter and, currently, he is Region Mentor for Region 8 – Central Europe. His games, sense of humor, engagement and tenacity are just a few of the elements contributing to the delivery of successful trainings, workshops and presentations, to which participants are always willing to return.

We are looking forward to an engaging and collaborative session.
Come and take part in the PMPub!
When: 22nd May, from 18:00 (registration starts at 17:30)
Where: Szimpla
You can register here!

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