PMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter

English Content

IT complex projects require a professional management methodology in order to respect rigorously the product expected QCD (Quality, Cost and Delivery Delay). Nowadays, most of those projects worldwide are using a software development oriented methodology called V-model. I’d recently worked on a big CRM (Customer Relationship Management) implementation project in the banking industry which aims to provide the tool to about 6000 users, and I think that following V-model used to be helpful and allowed us to define and allocate tasks easily.

v model illustration

Let’s start by giving an overview of what V-model seems to be. In fact, V-model is a process or we can say an organization into the main steps which have to lead to the implementation of your final product in total respect of customer requirements. The ultimate goal is to keep project deviation risks under control and guarantee the quality which is ensured by the regular process of verification/validation by both testing teams and end-users.

You’ve got a great project, but no one knows about what you are doing. Poor communication on a project can cause resource conflicts, overspending, rework and other inefficiencies that mean you end up taking longer and spending more than you really have to.

Nail your project communications with these 7 methods: just pick and choose the right one for whatever your message at the time.


If you have ever worked as a project manager in the past you know that managing the benefits from a project are just as important as managing the project itself. While it may seem tricky to properly manage benefits it doesn’t have to be if you managingbenefitsuse a few of the following tricks and tips.

Create a Strategy for Managing Benefits BEFORE they are Realized

One of the earliest steps that a project manager should take is to create a strategy that will allow them to manage benefits once they have been realized. These steps do not need to be fixed and should be designed in such a way that they can be changed or altered as the project progresses. By having a strategy in place, however, it can provide a measure of control that may be helpful should a project begin to show benefits early on.

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