PMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter

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Bringing together hundreds of project, programme and portfolio managers from around the world, PMI® Project Management Africa Conference provides three days of unparalleled professional development and networking. Congress enhances personal skill sets, empowering leaders to drive strategic organisational objectives through the advocacy and advancement of the profession. Innovative keynotes challenge the status quo, industry experts deliver actionable solutions and peer driven content offers real-world insight into today’s evolving project and business challenges.


Maiden PMI Africa Conference came off on the August 30 – September 01, 2015 at Birchwood Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa. It attracted above 300 delegates from around the world – best Business Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Professors, Politicians, Humanitarians and Experts in their fields.

Organizers of the 2nd PMI Africa Conference are Cameroon, Uganda, Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania and Cote d 'Ivoire Chapters are the organizers

For more information, visit: 

With the global economy still recovering, businesses around the world need project managers who can think strategically and execute successfully. As a result, the project management field is growing quickly, with increasing demand and rising salaries drawing more people to the profession. If you’re interested in breaking into project management yourself, you’ve probably got a ton of questions: how do you get started? Do you need certification? What kind? Where can you learn the essentials of project management so you can start leading projects and gain valuable experience?

These 5 online project management courses are great options for beginners, all offered by reputable Project Management Institute Registered Education Providers. Get the knowledge you need to be confident in your new role and prepare for project management certification with one of these convenient online courses.

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It’s the beginning of a project and you’re trying to get the team off the ground. There’s a stack of things to do: everything from setting up your project dashboard to reviewing potential benefits and getting the right resources.

So it’s hard to make time to consult more widely. But you should. Getting the right people involved in the project at the very beginning can make it a lot easier to get off on the right foot. The more you spend time with the right people, the easier it will be to put together a schedule and set expectations that are realistic.

Who should be part of your consultation panel? Here are the 7 people (or groups of people) that it will pay to talk to as early as possible.


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