PMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter

PM Tips for Managing Benefits

If you have ever worked as a project manager in the past you know that managing the benefits from a project are just as important as managing the project itself. While it may seem tricky to properly manage benefits it doesn’t have to be if you managingbenefitsuse a few of the following tricks and tips.

Create a Strategy for Managing Benefits BEFORE they are Realized

One of the earliest steps that a project manager should take is to create a strategy that will allow them to manage benefits once they have been realized. These steps do not need to be fixed and should be designed in such a way that they can be changed or altered as the project progresses. By having a strategy in place, however, it can provide a measure of control that may be helpful should a project begin to show benefits early on.

Determine how you will actually Identify the Benefits

It is important to establish how you will identify benefits and measure them when they do appear. Some projects actually have produced beneficial results but if a project manager cannot recognize them they will end up missing them. A good project viewer will make it easier for you to accomplish this. You need to look for programs which will allow you to view your project in a broad sense as well as having the ability to focus on smaller portions of the project. When you can see where things are headed developmentally you will be able to recognize when you have reached a point in your work where benefits can be realized.

Be Flexible and Creative when it Comes to Benefits

It is important to be flexible and somewhat creative when it comes to benefits. If you are having a hard time determining what some potential benefits might be, mind mapping software that encourages brainstorming may be just what you need to get the ball rolling and to have your project get off on the right foot.

You do need to keep in mind that the benefits generated by one project may be vastly difficult than the benefits you have experienced in the past. Keeping an open mind will help you recognize opportunities and may make it easier for you to develop and take advantage of any benefits that do appear.

The original source of this article can be read here.

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