PMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter

English Content

Just because we have a project management tool that seems to be working and that we have money invested in it doesn't mean we are married to it forever.
Times change. Needs change. Organizations change. Certainly, project management infrastructures and policies change. What that means, too, is that the software or the various software tools that we use to manage our projects, our project teams, and customers may also need to change.
Change can be hard – especially when there is a significant cost and a challenging and time-consuming learning curve. Adoption in the organization can be a challenge as well – and when we are looking at tools that allow for good communication and collaboration, then we are looking for enterprise-wide adoption. Why? Because anyone can be part of a project team or a project stakeholder and they need to be ready to adopt the new software tools we are utilizing. So the enterprise population has to be considered in any choices we may make when changing the way we do things and what we use to do our jobs.

Once you’ve been working with the same people in the same environment for some time it can be difficult to come up with new ideas to solve problems. In fact, you might not even be able to see the problems – you’ve lived with them for so long that you don’t notice them anymore.

Projects involve all kinds of difficult situations and you need to be able to think creatively to find ways around them. Whether that’s how to deal with a challenging stakeholder, a change to requirements or the fact that the risk management process isn’t working very well at the moment, there are plenty of opportunities on projects to think creatively about problem solving. So if your team aren’t very creative, what can you do?

Everyone has the capacity to be creative, although you may have to help them sometimes! Here are three suggestions for boosting creativity in your team.


We all know this to be true. If it weren’t true, then most of us would have project success on every project since we’re all pretty good project managers here, right? If you’re reading blogs about PM, then it’s likely you’re either a dedicated project manager or you want to become one…either way you’re on the right track.


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