PMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter

PMPub September 2015

picto1Enrique Nichols was our special guest for this year’s third and last PMPub Event held on September 23rd at Anker Klub. The topic of the event was about leading virtual teams and the challenges the project manager faces in this environment. As more and more project managers are required to work in the virtual business environment, it was not a surprise that the Pub attracted a little over forty participants.

Enrique first shared his background with the audience, how he - as a Venezuelan citizen living in Budapest for over 20 years now – started his career and got involved with project management. He is now in a manager position at IT Services Hungary (T-Systems International), leading a large team composed of mainly project managers.

The main discussion of the Pub was then about what exactly Leadership means, and especially how one can become a leader in this virtual world. Enrique highlighted the very big importance of the soft skills a project manager must have: communication skills, cultural openness, EQ and trust. Besides these, there is also a definite need to be a good professional and to use good methodology for work. He mentioned that there are very good trainings on the market to enhance these skills.

When asked about how he selected the project managers for his team, Enrique emphasized the usefulness of the “Sixth Sense”. Of course, in most of the cases it is on the job that we will find out whether a project manager fulfills the requirements. We have also touched stakeholder management and its huge importance in the virtual world. Enrique has recommended some articles and interesting papers on Leadership and Motivation – we have listed this at the end of this article.

We would like to thank Enrique for sharing his thoughts with us on the Pub!

If you have any ideas or suggestions for our next PMPub in February 2016, feel free to contact Balázs (Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.) and Ádám (Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.).

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