Személyesen találkozni és beszélgetni márpedig kell. Minden szakmai társaság tagsága évente legalább egyszer találkozik, megmutatkozik és megbeszéli a beszélnivalókat. Face-to-face. Erre ma már Budapesten komfortos terek, agorák is vannak. A MoM Kulturális Központ egy ilyen AGORA. „Korszerű, többfunkciós közösségi találkozóhely.” A PMI Budapest Magyar Tagozat idén itt rendezte Art of Project Conference 2015 c. szakmai találkozóját, melyen sokan voltunk. Még többen, mint szoktunk lenni. Megfigyelőként, szakíróként a következő benyomásokat gyűjtöttem, amit megosztok önökkel:

Conference Invitation SmallPMI Budapest Hungarian Chapter kindly invites you to the 3rd International Project Management Conference!

Art of Projects is the top Project Management Conference in Hungary focusing on the state of the art of the profession and enhancing your project management skills.

Information about the Conference:

Agenda and Prices


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A gamified way of developing individual and group decision-making 

by ActionLab Team

This training helps leaders to prepare for and make better decisions. DecisionLab training gives a radically different approach to decision-making through Poker. Playing poker and being in a business meeting is not that different. You have to make quick decisions under pressure, based on scarce information, about limited resources in an extremely competitive environment. 

Managing Projects in the Face of Meddling Stakeholders

by Mark Kozak-Holland, PhD, PMP, IPMA-D, Cert.APM, editor and author of PM Lessons from History series

This Masterclass shows the process of gathering and managing requirements can be difficult enough but when stakeholders start to meddle a project can get quickly out of control.

This interactive full-day workshop probes the difficulties in managing principal stakeholders and the sponsor through the requirements process, and how they can unwittingly compromise the project. 

SMALLArtOfProjects2015InvitationPMI Budapest Hungarian Chapter kindly invites you to the 3rd International Project Management Conference!

Art of Projects is the top Project Management Conference in Hungary focusing on the state of the art of the profession and enhancing your project management skills.

About the Conference:


Moderator of the Day: György Bőgel Ph.D, Professor of Management CEU Business School

08:15 – 08:45 Registration, breakfast coffee
08:45 – 09:00 Welcome and program introduction
09:00 – 10:00 MI’s 2015 Pulse of the Profession®: Capturing the Value of Project Management Through Knowledge Transfer by Deena Gordon Parla, PMP, Director at PMI Board of Directors, Strategy Development Oversight Committee Chair
10:00 – 10:35 Use a Communications Cascade to Align Program Execution With Strategy by János Pál Németh, Gartner
10:35 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:00 Pros and cons of managing a very large scale programme by Peter Graham, Associate Partner and European Leader for Policing at IBM, Global Business Services
12:00 – 13:00 Let’s Be Agile...NOT, Let’s Do Agile by Bob Small, Agile Coach, SAFe Program Consultant Distinguished Member, Technical Staff Verizon Enterprise Solutions
13:00 – 13:45 Buffet lunch
13:45 – 14:45 The future is in the past, building the case for historical lessons in business by Mark Kozak-Holland, PhD, PMP, IPMA-D, Cert.APM, Author of Project Management Lessons from History series
14:45 – 15:45 Breakout sessions: 
  • Breakout 1. On state of the PM profession – with Deena Gordon Parla and János Pál Németh
  • Breakout 2. On agile mindset – with Bob Small and György Bőgel 
  • Breakout 3. On PM at big enterprises – with Peter Graham and Mark Kozak-Holland
15:45 - 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 - 16:30 Feedbacks from breakout sessions
16:30 – 17:15 Special guest: Projects of Nature Discovery: Zsolt Kudich – nature and fine-art photographer
17:15 – 17:30 Conference Closing, Present Draw
