Managing Projects in the Face of Meddling Stakeholders

by Mark Kozak-Holland, PhD, PMP, IPMA-D, Cert.APM, editor and author of PM Lessons from History series

This Masterclass shows the process of gathering and managing requirements can be difficult enough but when stakeholders start to meddle a project can get quickly out of control.

This interactive full-day workshop probes the difficulties in managing principal stakeholders and the sponsor through the requirements process, and how they can unwittingly compromise the project. 

Using the Titanic case study the workshop looks at the project that designed, built, and launched the ship through the modern lens of the PMBoK nine knowledge areas. 

Workshop participants will be given a chance to use their skills to tackle the difficult project management dilemma of interfering stakeholders. 
Through exercises the workshop participants assess the risks through the various project stages and how these were managed by the project team.

The MasterClass will take place on 6th November 2015 at MOM Cultural Center (Csörsz u.18., Budapest, H-1124), costs person 99 900 HUF + VAT/person (126 873 HUF).7pdunarancs

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Discounted Fee: 90 000 HUF + VAT / person (114 300 HUF) 
● For Early Birds – payment before 10th of October 
● Group Discount – at least 3 participants from one institution 
● For PMI Budapest Chapter and PMSZ members

Limited number of seats!

Registration here