PMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter

PMPub - 27th February 2018

PMI Budapest Chapter is pleased to announce that the next PMPub will take place on 19th September 2017 at Közgarden!

The event’s topic is “Backward education; from Operations to Project Management” where the participants will have the opportunity to overview related challenges. We will have an open discussion about what are the interesting aspects of looking at project management specifically from an operations perspective. A Project Manager and the Operations team are similar to a relay team, one taking over the baton from the other. However, this team work starts to become exciting when the individual players are measured against different and sometimes contradicting KPI-s. We will look at the factors that can make this handover challenging and what can be done to make it as smooth as possible. We will look at how project management and operations culture interact, and spice it with organizational, cultural and environmental perspectives.

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The topic will be discussed with Dr. Olusoji Owolabi, Project Manager at ITSH, who will share his thoughts regarding the above topic. At the PMPub we will discuss on a practical level some of the key elements that we all face every day as practitioners.

Our speaker, Dr. Olusoji Owolabi, has been a pioneer manager in the SSC universe in Hungary, building and running operations of several hundred FTE-s. He was a Site Leader of an SSC in Budapest, gaining insight into how decisions are made at senior management level on when and how to site an SSC in a particular country or location. He brings more than 10 years of experience from IT, HR and Finance SSC areas. As such he is bringing a strong operations background but has often been involved in projects either as a sponsor or high-level stakeholder. In the past few years, he has transitioned gradually into a project management in the transition and transformation area in ITSH Hungary Ltd. A Nigerian-Hungarian, he studied at the Technical University of Budapest, apart from Hungary he has worked in his native country and Germany. Complimenting this direct cultural exposure he has worked on projects with participants from several countries, including Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, UK, Czech Republic just to mention a few.

His motivation can be captured as follows:

"As an operations manager, I have had many sleepless nights, burnt my fingers because of these Project Managers! Now let me join them and see what exactly what they are doing!"

We looking forward to an engaging and collaborative session.

Come and take part in the PMPub!

When: 19th September, from 18:00 (registration starts at 17:30)
Where: Közgarden, Ráday u. 43-45., Budapest, 1092

You can register here!

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