2017 novemberében megrendezésre került az 5. Art of Projects konferencia a PMI Budapest, Magyar Tagozat szervezésében. Az elmúlt évek alatt változtunk, fejlődtünk, azonban egy valami, a minőségre való igény megmaradt a konferenciák előkészítése során.

Visszatekintés Art of Projects 2017

pmi aop 5 logoThe 5th Art of Project conference is just around the corner: on the 9th of November, we’ll invite you for an adventure to the miraculous world of project management! And while you’re with us, don’t forget to check in the next day as well: on the 10th of November, the MasterClass workshop will take place, with topics connected to the conference!

pmi aop 5 logo

Announcement on 5th "Art of Projects" conference on
“Adventures in the Miraculous Project World”

On 9th of November 2017 project managers in Hungary will meet again at PMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter's 5th international conference called "Art of Projects".

The event will take place at the wonderful Dome Hall of MOM Culture Palace.

Thanks to the numerous participants and sponsors, Art of Projects became a brand within the local project management community. Based on their support and demand the conference set up a new standard and find its place among the project management events in Hungary.

Elements of the success:

  • State-of-the-art Project Management topics by recognised keynote speakers from all around the world - without huge travel expenses for local participants/residents;
  • New perspectives, new ideas, new skills, and proven techniques from the presenters of top conferences in Europe and bestselling authors.

According to the feedbacks from last year, the conference proved that Art of Projects could find the right direction:
Overall satisfaction: 4,52, Professional content: 4,68, Venue and service: 4,50 (on scale 0-5).

Highlights of this year conference:

  • Organisational Project Management – Project Management in Organization – Best Practice from Siemens PMO.
  • Hot Topic: Business Analyst! - Why Business Analyst and Project Manager are best friends?
  • Adventures in the Miraculous Project World - Alice in Projectland, Jolly Tale on The Castle and Ghosts of Project Managers.
  • The speciality of our conference is to show how could Performing Arts meet Projects.
    • Nylon Group: this creative group developed an interactive and new theatre language using progressive trends of puppet genre, experimenting non-regular theatre devices and dramaturgy, spicing a unique music – and their way from the beginning to the success.
  • Salute
    • The best Project Manager and The Best PM Diploma Essay of the Year;
    • 5-year anniversary.

Please book your calendar the date of one of the top PM events in 2017 and enrol to keep your seat at this exciting conference.

Agenda of the Conference

  • 08:15 – 08:45 Registration, breakfast coffee
  • 08:45 – 09:00 Welcome and program introduction
  • 09:00 – 09:30 Is the whole world a project?
    by György Bőgel Ph.D., Professor of Management, CEU, Central European University
  • 09:30 – 10:25 The Power of Project Leadership - Seven Leadership Lessons
    by Paul Hodgkins, inspiring leader, coach and consultant. Former Siemens representative on the PMI Global Executive Council
  • 10:25 – 10:50 Coffee Break
  • 10:50 – 11:45 Why Business Analyst should be the best friend of the Project Manager?
    by Bart Bernink, PMP, CIPM, MPM, CBAP, independent senior business improvement consultant
  • 11:45 – 13:00 Buffet Lunch without dessert
  • 13:00 – 13:45 Special Guest: Nylon Group: Story and Show
    Junior Prima Prize holder innovative new-theater group using progressive trends of the puppet genre
  • 13:45 – 14:15 Dessert: Birthday Cake: Happy 5th Birthday Art of Projects!
  • 14:15 – 15:10 Alice in Projectland: The Adventures of a Curious Project Manager
    by Giusi Meloni, PMP® - Partner, The Project Management Lab
  • 15:10 – 16:05 The Castle: A Jolly Tale on the Use of Project Documentation
    by Jürgen Van Gorp, PhD, is a hands-on project manager, enterprise architect and technical writer
  • 16:05 – 16:30 Coffee Break
  • 16:30 – 17:25 The ghosts of project managers past
    by Geoff Reiss, expert on the world’s great projects, Honorary Fellow of APM.
  • 17:25 – 17:40 Conference Closing, Present Draw

