PMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter

Art of projects

Dr. László Baán

baan laszloDr. László Baán is the Head of Museum of Fine Arts from 2004. Under his leadership the insitution had renovated and became one of singed European museum because of the exhibitions – like El Greco, Velazquez, Goya, Van Gogh in Budapest, From Botticelli to Tiziano - attractives more hundred thousands peoples and succesful introduction in foreign countries: exhibition in Royal Academy of London, in Museum Puskin of Moscow, in National Art Center of Tokyo - and modern communication skills.



Dr. György Bőgel

Professor of Management, CEU Business School

bőgel györgy9 books and more than hunder articles dedicated in his name alone or with co- author in English and in Hungarian. „Inspection: studies and notes of infocomunication world" be published in HVG publishing house, „Managing then and now" co- author with János Tomka be published in 2010 by National Textbook Publishing House. In such sectors and companies Mr. Bőgel experienced as consultant and instructor. In last 8 years he is active blogger.
After university degree of economics worked as advisor of business management consultant than university lecturer. In the same time managed international studies of developing several years.
In 2001 György Bőgel worked as strategy consultant for KFKI Informatics LTD. and in this year Mr. Bőgel got an invitation to be external professor of CEU Business School.


2013 Pulse of the Profession™:
the High Cost of Low Performance

Presenter: Zbigniew J. Traczyk, MSc, MBa, PMP, PMI Secretary/Treasurer, Chair Performance Oversight Committee, 2013 Board of Directors


Member of the PMI Board will deliver keynote presentation on the 2013 Pulse of the Profession™: The High Cost of Low Performance:

"With billions of dollars dependent upon the success and failure of projects, it is no wonder organizations are striving to manage projects more efficiently. Not only is it crucial for organizations to manage their projects, programs and portfolios effectively and strategically, but poor execution can lead organizations down a path to peril.

PMI's Pulse of the Profession™ finds that performance in meeting project goals, timelines and budgets significantly impacts an organization's ability to thrive. Organizations with high performance in these three measures risk only US$20 million per US$1 billion spent, while their less successful peers jeopardize US$280 million for the same US$1 billion spent. That 14 times divide could make the difference between an organization sustaining or discontinuing operations."

He will salute the winner of the Project Manager of 2013 in Hungary Award and the 10 years old PMI Budapest Chapter, he will say thank you for volunteers of the chapter and announce the local version of the PMBOK Guide 5th Edition.


Transition of our profession: from project management era to the complex project / program / portfolio management approach

Presenter: Peter Taylor, Author, Speaker, trainer and Consultant

peter taylor

Organisations demand that the projects that they commission these days are successful in order to meet their increasingly aggressive strategic goals, and for this to be possible the project managers that lead these strategic projects need to be the very best that they can be. Added to this the project landscape is one of increasing challenges with the virtualisation of projects, complex communication channels, demanding time pressures and all this built in to a complex structure of project, program and portfolio management.

  • Understanding the project / program / portfolio 'project world'
  • Considering the pressures on modern day project managers
  • Identifying where future skills are needed

Agile Management and Certification in Practice

Is Agile Project Management different from Agile Software development?

Presenter: Liam Dillom


Agile and Agile Certification has caught the attention of business leaders in Europe and globally as a means of managing change, reducing time to market, eliminating waste and attracting and retaining customers. The questions are:

  • What is Agile Project Management and how it is embed in organisations?
  • How can agile Certification contribute to success
  • How does it differ from traditional waterfall and how can organisation transition?
  • What are the skills and competencies required for this Agile role?
  • Can Agile work with your existing governance frameworks?

Setting goals to agile teams

Workshop 1st

Shifting from requirements towards business goals

Moderator: Zoltán Csutorás

Agile and lean frameworks can boost productivity of organizations. There is one key point many managers forget when transitioning to agile: the main source of the power of agile methods is the creativity and motivation of team members. Traditional upfront requirements based project management can block both of these factors. The aim of this course is to learn how to apply modern requirements management principles to facilitate team creativity and maximizing the value delivered by development projects.


Agility over the development team

Workshop 2nd

Meaning of agile in an enterprise from the management perspective


Moderator: Bence Kulcsár

Agile in common thinking means scrum methodology for development teams. Scrum is an agile framework which based on lean fundamentals and implements agile principles as an open toolset with nine hard rules. One of the main goals of agile is creating higher customer satisfaction with early and frequent higher value delivery. At this point most of the enterprises fail because to getting better in that attitude requires agile thinking on all corporate levels.



Agile Talk on Agile Project Management

Workshop 3rd

Moderator: Arpad Zsolt Bodó, Ph.D.rezümé4

Talking agile on this topic means that the participants will decide what do they want to hear about. Yes, as customer, the audience will extend the already prepared agile project management related topic list, will define the order of backlog items. These will be presented in a time-boxed manner and audience will decide on the acceptance.



Art of Projects PMI Budapest - Conference

pmi logó

Időpont: 2013. november 7. 09.00-18.00
Helyszín: Marriot Courtyard Budapest CityCenter


(H-1088 Budapest, József krt. 5., Blaha Lujza tér)

Részvételi díj és kedvezmények

  • A konferencia díja: 69.900 Ft/fő (ÁFÁ-val)
  • Early Bird: 62.900 Ft/fő (ÁFÁ-val) 2013. október 4-ig leadott jelentkezés esetén
  • Csoportkedvezmény: 65.900 Ft/fő (ÁFÁ-val) (Egy cégen belül 4 vagy nagyobb csoportok jelentkezése esetén.)
  • PMI és PMSZ tagok részére: 62.900 Ft/fő (ÁFÁ-val) (Kérjük, hogy tagok jelentkezésekor a szervezeti azonosító számot is szíveskednek elküldeni.)

A díj tartalmazza a kávészüneteket és a szállodai büféebédet.
A konferencia angol nyelven zajlik.tablet

A résztvevők között kisorsolásra a konferencia végén egy darab
Samsung Galaxy tablet gép.

A rendezvényen való részvételért 6,75 PDU pont regisztrálható.

Jelentkezési és fizetési feltételek

Az online regisztrációról e-mail-ben visszaigazolást küldünk.
(A jelentkezés során az adatokat és a "Jelentkezési és fizetési feltételeket" jóvá kell hagyni.)

Visszaigazolás és fizetés menete

A feltételek elfogadása után, a webes regisztráció során jóváhagyott adatok alapján:

1. Egy visszaigazolást küldünk Önnek e-mailben a jelentkezésről.
(Az online regisztráció megrendelésnek minősül.)

2. Ezt követően egy díjbekérőt küldünk e-mailben, mely alapján kérjük, hogy a részvételi díjat a díjbekérő megérkezésétől számított 3 munkanapon belül kiegyenlíteni szíveskedjen.

3. A fizetést követően kerül kiállításra a végszámla, melyet e-mailben PDF formátumban és postán is elküldünk Önnek a webes regisztrációnál megadott címre.

4. A végszámlával együtt e-mailben egy belépőjegyet is küldünk Önnek a konferenciára. Kérjük, hogy a belépőjegyet a konferenciára szíveskedjen magával hozni és a regisztrációnál bemutatni.

A rendezvényen a részvétel feltétele a részvételi díj előzetes kiegyenlítése.

Bankszámla száma

58600551-11167569-00000000 (Momart Marketing Kft.)

Lemondási feltételek

Lemondást - a részvételi díj teljes visszafizetésével - a rendezvény napja előtti 5. munkanapon 12 óráig - KIZÁRÓLAG E-MAILBEN a Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát. címre - fogadunk el. Ezután történő lemondások esetében a részvétel más személyre átruházható, de a teljes díjat ki kell fizetni. Nem tudunk elfogadni telefonos vagy egyéb szóbeli lemondásokat.

A lemondási határidőt követő regisztráció esetén lemondásra nincs lehetőség. A rendezvényt megelőző 1-2 munkanapon történő regisztrációnál elképzelhető, hogy a részvételi díj átutalása nem érkezik meg számlánkra, ekkor lehetséges a rendezvény utáni 1. munkanapon az átutalás.
Mivel az online jelentkezés megrendelésnek minősül, ezért utólagos reklamációkat a lemondási határidő után - beleértve az átutalás hiánya miatti rendezvénytől való távolmaradást is - nem fogadunk el. Ebben az esetben is - mivel a lemondási határidőig nem érkezett hozzánk írásbeli lemondás - a teljes összeget ki kell fizetni.


Art of Projects PMI Budapest - Conferencepmi logó

Date: 7th of November 2013Venue: Marriot Courtyard Budapest CityCenter
(József krt. 5 . Budapest, H-1088 Hungary, Blaha Lujza Square)

Fee and discounts

  • Conference fee: 69.900 HUF/person (with VAT)
  • Early Bird: 62.900 HUF/person (with VAT) until 4th of October
  • Group Discount: 65.900 HUF/person (with VAT)
    (Within the same company for 4 persons or more groups occur.)
  • Conference fee for PMI and PMSZ members: 62.900 Ft HUF/person (with VAT)
    (Please send your PMI/PMSZ ID with registration.)

The event includes coffee breaks and buffet lunch at hotel.
The language of Conference is English.

Participants of the Conference can win 1 Samsung Galaxy tablet PC at the end of event.tablet

For participation in this PMI event 6.75 PDU points can be registered.

Confirmation and Payment Process

In case of online registration confirmation is to be sent to the email address of the registration.
(During the registration you should accept the terms and conditions of participation)

After accepted registration, payment terms and conditions

1. we'll send by e-mail a confirmation about your registration information.
(The online registration is considered to be ordered.)

2. After confirmation e-mail prepayment request will be sent you - based on datas used during the registration. Partecipants need to pay it within 3 working days after arrived prepayment request.

3. Official final invoices will be send in e-mail (PDF) and via post to address used in registration form.

4. With the final invoices a Conference Ticket will be sent for you in e-mail, please bring it to the event.

At the event, the conditions for participation in the pre-registration fee paid.

Bank invoice number

58600551-11167569-00000000 (Momart Marketing Kft.)

Cancellation Policies

Refund of the registration fee will be made in case of cancellation received in 5. working day until a.m.12.00 before conference. Cancellation of registration must be made only in writing to Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát..
After this date the as alternative to cancellation, please consider a transfer of your registration to another person, but the fee of registration must be paid. Telephone or other verbal cancellations cannot be accepted. If registering after the deadline, no waiver is not possible. If the registration will make 1 or 2 days before the conference, it can happen that the payment not arrives to our bank account, so it could be refer to money in 1st day after the conference. The online registration is considered to be ordered, so subsequent complaints after the cancellation deadline – including on the conference due to a lack of transfer of absence is - is not acceptable. In this case the total amount to be paid – if not arrive written cancellation letter for us - as well.



Conference Venue

Marriot Courtyard Budapest CityCenter
(József krt. 5 . Budapest, H-1088 – Blaha Lujza square)

Change to bigger map view

Garage and Parking Place
  • under the Hotel (Europeum Parking House, self-financing)
  • parking places on street and square (pay zone)


7th of November 2013, Thursday

08:30 – 09:00 Registration, breakfast coffee (Lobby)

09:00 – 09:15 Welcome and program introduction by Prof. György Bőgel (Blaha Lujza Ballroom)

09:15 – 09:45 2013 Pulse of the Profession™: The High Cost of Low Performance

QM13083960-PMI-Meghivo PRESS

by Zbigniew J. Traczyk, PMI Secretary/Treasurer, Chair Performance Oversight Committee, 2013 Board of Directors (Blaha Lujza Ballroom)

09:45 – 10:00 Announcement of Hungarian version of PMBOK 5th Edition
Thank you for the Volunteers. Announcement of winner of the Project Manager of the Year
(Blaha Lujza Ballroom)

10:00 – 11:00 Transition of our profession: from project management era to the complex project /
program / portfolio management approach by Peter Taylor
Author of Leading Successful PMOs and The Lazy Project Manager Best Sellers
(Blaha Lujza Ballroom)

11.00 – 11:15 Coffee Break (Lobby)

11:15 – 12:00 Workshop and Q/A on the successful portfolio management and PMO
implementation by Peter Taylor, Author, Speaker, Trainer and Consultant
(Blaha Lujza Ballroom)

12:00 – 13:00 Buffet Lunch (Hotel Restaurant)

13:00 – 14:30 Agile Project Management and Certification in Practice
Is Agile Project Management different from Agile Software development?
by Liam Dillon, PMP, PMI-aCP, PgMP, Director at turlon & associates (Blaha Lujza Ballroom)

14:30 – 14.45 Coffee break (Lobby)

14.45 – 15.45 Workshops (in Seminar rooms and Blaha Lujza Ballroom)

Workshop 1.
Setting goals to agile teams (English)
Shifting from requirements towards business goals
Moderator: Zoltán Csutorás

Workshop 2.
Agility over the development team
Meaning of agile in an enterprise from the management perspective
Moderator: Bence Kulcsár

Workshop 3.
Agile Talk on Agile Project Management
Moderator: Arpad Zsolt Bodp, Ph.D.

15:45 – 16:15 Results of the workshops and Q/A on Agile Project Management
by Liam Dillon (PMP, PMI-aCP, PgMP, Director at turlon & associates) and workshop leaders

16:15 – 17:00 Exhibitions as projects by dr. László Baán Director of Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
(Blaha Lujza Ballroom) - in Hungarian language

17:00 – 17:15 Conference Closing, Present Draw - Samsung Galaxy Tablet
(Blaha Lujza Ballroom)

Thank you to our Sponsors!

Gold sponsors of the Conference:: HP Magyarország, SAP Hungary Kft., Terradata Magyarország Kft., IT Services Hungary
hp          SAP grad R pref   teradataitsh logo

Silver sponsors of the Conference: Racionet Zrt., Qualysoft Informatikai Zrt., Magyar Projektmenedzsment Szövetség – egyben szakmai partner
06BIG RGB       qualysoft     pmsz

Bronze sponsor of the Conference: Alerant Informatikai Zrt.


Thank you to our Media Sponsors!

bitport jpeg logo    logo-it color-norm    mfor    logo-ph color-norm


Invitation of Conference (PDF)

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