Dr. László Baán

baan laszloDr. László Baán is the Head of Museum of Fine Arts from 2004. Under his leadership the insitution had renovated and became one of singed European museum because of the exhibitions – like El Greco, Velazquez, Goya, Van Gogh in Budapest, From Botticelli to Tiziano - attractives more hundred thousands peoples and succesful introduction in foreign countries: exhibition in Royal Academy of London, in Museum Puskin of Moscow, in National Art Center of Tokyo - and modern communication skills.

 Dr. László Baán economist, director of Museum of Fine Arts (Budapest, Hungary) from 2004. From 1st October till 31st August 2012 he was responsible for conception of new national public collections as government commissioner.

He is the Head of Museum of Fine Arts from 2004. Under his leadership the insitution had renovated and became one of singed European museum because of the exhibitions – like El Greco, Velazquez, Goya, Van Gogh in Budapest, From Botticelli to Tiziano - attractives more hundred thousands peoples and succesful introduction in foreign countries: exhibition in Royal Academy of London, in Museum Puskin of Moscow, in National Art Center of Tokyo - and modern communication skills.
In the last years the Museum of Fine Arts (Budapest, Hungary) was in 100 most visited museum of the world. Under his leadership starts design the expansion of basement of Museum of Fine Arts.