Workshop 1st

Setting goals to agile teams

Shifting from requirements towards business goals

Moderator: Zoltán Csutorás

Agile and lean frameworks can boost productivity of organizations. There is one key point many managers forget when transitioning to agile: the main source of the power of agile methods is the creativity and motivation of team members. Traditional upfront requirements based project management can block both of these factors. The aim of this course is to learn how to apply modern requirements management principles to facilitate team creativity and maximizing the value delivered by development projects.

Course outline

The course is driven by an interactive presentation focusing on the following topics. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions.

  • How to manage agile project stakeholders? how to build an agile project team? Who is the Product Owner?
  • How to define project vision and objectives? How to communicate objectives to the development team? Why is it important for success?
  • Focusing on capabilities to deliver. How to derive requirements from desired capabilities? How to define good product backlog items?
  • Managing priorities. Why is it essential to estimate the product backlog? How to estimate vague expectations? How to prioritize the product backlog?

Course presenter

Zoltán Csutorás is an agile coach and requirements management specialist with over 15 years experience in software development projects as a software developer, project manager and business analyst. As a founder of Adaptive Consulting Ltd. he has helped dozens of teams and companies transitioning to agile. As a product owner of Adaptive Consulting's agile project management tool called ScrumMate Kanban he has first-hand experience in product ownership and entrepreneurship.