studentsStudents are invited to attend the PMI Annual Virtual Student Summit. Learne. Collaborat. Connect. Keynote presentation by Cristiano Muller who used his experience in Project Management to scale Mount Everest. Join us for sessions covering user experience and artificial intelligence, career trajectories of rising leaders in project management, as well as networking and collaborative opportunities for the emerging professional. 

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Learning Sessions

Trends in project management.

Collab Space

Network and interact with your peers based on geographic region or industry of interest.

Exhibit Hall

Learn about PMI certifications, membership and other resources for students and emerging professionals.

Join us for this free virtual event! This day is full of opportunities for students interested in project management (or a related field) to learn and network. Unable to attend this event live? The content will be available to watch on-demand. Feel free to contact us if you have questions, or view our technical requirements. Make sure to read our terms of use and privacy policy.

 Click here!
