PMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter


aop2019socialmediabadgeLooking for insights and inspiration? Join PMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter “7th Art of Projects Conference” on 7th of November, 2019. in the Budapest Music Centre’s Conference Hall. For 50 years, project and programme management professionals have made modern marvels possible.

lunchandlearnA PMI Budapest, Magyar Tagozat 2019-ben útjára indította a "Lunch & Learn" azaz "Ebéd közben képezd magad" havi egy órás webinár sorozatát, amit sokak kérésére szándékosan ebédidőre időzítettünk, hogy azok is csatlakozhassanak a PMI Budapest, Magyar Tagozat rendezvényeihez, akik munka után nem tudtak eddig velünk tartani. 

The Lazy PM 2Peter Taylor is a PMO expert who has built and led five global PMOs across several industries, and has advised many other organisations in PMO and PM strategy.  He is also the author of the number 1 bestselling project management book ‘The Lazy Project Manager’, along with many other books on project leadership, PMO development, project marketing, project challenges and executive sponsorship. 

AG Headshots 1 3Adrienne Gibson is a speaker, facilitator, coach and consultant specializing in transformational change at the individual, team or organizational level. Working with individuals and organizations to develop the courage needed for change and authenticity through one-to-one coaching, workshops, consulting and speaking engagements. 

bizalomA HTE Projektmenedzsment Szakosztálya, együttműködve a BME Hálózati Rendszerek és Szolgáltatások Tanszékével és a Corvinus Egyetem Stratégia és Projektvezetés Tanszékével szeretettel hívja az érdeklődő kollégákat a 42. Projektmenedzsment Műhelybe 2019. szeptember 19-én (csütörtökön) 16 – 18 óra között A BME Hálózati Rendszerek és Szolgáltatások Tanszék inforparkbeli (1117. Bp. Magyar Tudósok Körútja 2.) I. ép. B. szárny, I.em 110-es tanácstermébe.

studentsStudents are invited to attend the PMI Annual Virtual Student Summit. Learne. Collaborat. Connect. Keynote presentation by Cristiano Muller who used his experience in Project Management to scale Mount Everest. Join us for sessions covering user experience and artificial intelligence, career trajectories of rising leaders in project management, as well as networking and collaborative opportunities for the emerging professional. 

PMPub - 22nd May, 2019: “PMI Pulse of Profession 2019 – The Future of Work – Leading the Way with PMTQ” PMI Budapest Chapter is pleased to announce that the next PMPub will take place on 22nd May 2019! The event’s topic is “PMI Pulse of Profession 2019 – The Future of Work – Leading the Way with PMTQ” Data from the new 2019 Pulse of the Profession® survey show organizations wasted almost 12 percent of their investment in project spend last year due to poor performance—a number that’s barely budged over the past five years.

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