PMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter

PMI Budapest, Hungarian Chapter

PMI Budapest Hungarian Chapter will organize its 6th Art of Project conference on 8th November!

One of our key speakers is Yohan Abrahams, consultant, portfolio manager at Transport for London, former president of PMI UK Chapter, whose topic is about: Transformation projects in London in the transport sector.

Particularly since the financial crisis in 2007, project budgets have been facing even greater scrutiny than before. Project managers realise that it is no longer possible to satisfy sponsors just by delivering to agreed budget, schedule and scope. There is a growing need to understand and also demonstrate how projects contribute to business results. This is particularly challenging where organisations don’t have a clearly articulated vision and objectives.

Recognising this growing need for project managers to be commercially aware, the Project Management Institute (PMI) introduced the Talent Triangle in 2015, directing practitioners to acquire business and leadership skills in addition to technical project management competencies as part of their Continuing Certification Requirements.

Along the same time PMI commissioned research under its Thought Leadership series explaining the benefit to organisations of investing in strategic project management. All this effort was built on the foundations laid by the Portfolio Management Standard.

This combination of events has resulted in the portfolio manager category appearing more frequently in job advertisements. It has also resulted in a growing interest in portfolio management amongst practitioners.

This session builds on this interest by providing practical examples of how strategy is created and executed in the smart city transport system in London. Many of these examples will be familiar to most of us as according to the World Bank more than half of humanity now lives in urban areas.
We will use Lafley and Martin’s five step strategy model to understand how Transport for London make effective strategic choices. This model came out in Lafey and Martin’s 2013 book Playing to Win making it one of the most-modern strategy models in business. More importantly it is endorsed by Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez, one of the great contemporary thinkers in project management today.

The session is facilitated by Yohan Abrahams drawing on his experiences in portfolios at organisations including Transport for London, Deutsche Bank and Ernst & Young as well as his work as the founder of the PMI UK Portfolio Management Forum.

You can register the conference here.

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